Mrs. Reisdorf - 2nd Grade
Please check parent email accounts and Google Classroom for information regarding our classroom.
Week at a Glance
Math: Our focus will be understanding and modeling base ten numbers within 1,000 with place value disks and comparing two three-digit numbers.
ELA: Our focus will be consonant digraphs (th, sh, wh, ch, tch, ph) and base word endings (-s, -ed, -ing), fluency, vocabulary, main ideas/details and cause and effect comprehension skills, and writing a narrative paragraph about a spooky night.
Our Zoom whole group sessions occur at 8:10 am and 10:30 am.
Parent Support
Office Hours: I will be available Monday-Thursday from 1:00-2:00 pm and Friday 1-1:30 pm. Please email me if you need any support or need to meet virtually on Zoom.
Enrichment Resources
Technology Support