Clubs and Activities » Altamont Fun Run

Altamont Fun Run

Hello Altamont Families!
Our Annual Fun Run is just around the corner on 09/30! This is a huge fundraiser for our school and our teachers. Your child will collect donations that will go straight to supporting their classroom field trips, supplies, and fun activities with their teachers.
This year you are able to make payments online at
H T T P S : / / G O . R A L L Y U P . C O M / A L T A M O N T - F U N - R U N

You can also make payments via check or cash in the office, please make sure to include your pledge form fully filled out.

The day of Fun Run will be very busy, so if you are interested in volunteering please contact the PTA.
They will verify if you are cleared to help out and how they can use your help!